April Seed Starting Guide (Zones 1-10)
Spring has officially sprung and garden season is in full swing! Now is the time to get those seeds started so they will be ready to transplant. There are several types of seeds that can be direct sown this month also, so make sure you have those ordered and ready to go!
Here is your complete guide to starting seeds in April for Grow Zones 1-10.
April Seed Starting Guide Zones 1-10
Zones 1-4
Zone 1-4 growers can start these seeds indoors in early April:
Mid-April Start these seeds indoors:
*Note: Check your seed inventory for seeds that you will direct sow soon like pea seeds, seed potatoes, carrots, parsnips, radish, lettuces and beets!
Don’t forget to order your spring crop seeds soon.
Zone 5
Gardeners in Zone 5 can start all their cold weather crops indoors under grow lights at the beginning of April if they have not already done so in March.
Start these seeds indoors early April:
Swiss Chard
*Note: If you haven’t ordered seeds yet, do it soon! Order your pepper and tomato seeds now.
You will be starting those indoors in the middle to end of this month.
*Order Seed potatoes, carrot, parsnips, peas, radish, lettuce, and beet seeds. They will be direct sown in May.
Zone 6
Zone 6 growers can direct sow or transplant these cold weather crops mid to late April.
These seeds include:
Mid-April starts these seeds indoors:
Mid-April direct sow these crops:
*Start hardening off your tomato, pepper, celery and eggplant seedlings at the end of April.
Zone 7
This is a big month for Zone 7 growers! Here is a list of everything you can plant this month.
Transplant These cool season crops outdoors in early April:
Leafy Greens Like Mustard seed, Turnip seed, Collards seed
Direct Sow cool season seeds outdoors Early to Mid-April. These include:
Swiss Chard
*Start these seeds indoors early April:
Direct Sow or Transplant these crops in Mid April:
Transplant these crops Late April ( to mid-May):
Note: Don’t forget to harden off plants before transplanting! Also, don’t forget to up pot your tomatoes and peppers soon!
Zone 8
Start these seeds indoors early April (or direct sow under cover if needed):
In zone 8, growers can start these crops by direct sowing or transplanting them in early April.
Transplant or direct sow these crops MID April:
Mid to late April Direct sow or transplant these crops:
Tomato seed(transplant)
Pepper seed(transplant)
Corn seed (direct sow)
Okra seed (direct sow)
Zone 9
Growers in zone 9 can start a wide variety of seeds in April...both indoors and outdoors!
Start these seeds indoors :
Start these seeds outdoors (or transplant)early April:
Early to Mid April direct sow or transplant these :
Tomato seed(transplant)
Pepper seed(transplant)
Corn seed (direct sow)
Sweet Potatoes
Zone 10
Your weather is warm and there are many crops that you can plant this month!
The weather in zone 10 is too warm in April to start seeds for cool weather crops, so instead focus on planting warm weather crops like the ones below.
Direct sow in April:
Sweet Potatoes
Transplant any time in April:
While April may bring snow to some zones this month, and hot sunny days to other zones, there are still many seeds to start and plants to transplant...no matter your which zone you are in!
Dust off those garden tools, fill your pots with soil, start those seeds, and let the growing begin!
Gardening season has officially arrived!
Blessings of Bounty - Amber Jouben
Heritage Hollow Homestead
Not Sure Which Zone?
Check out our map below!